Game Design Document


 A screenshot of from my Dundoc

I created a Dundoc to help outline my overall direction and vision for my game "Retro Racing Acadia", you can find all the information and details in the link below.


  1. Hey man really enjoyed reading about your Game Design Document I also used Dundoc I felt they made the process a lot easier. I thought The retro 80s theme was pretty cool definitely an aesthetic that has been brought back to life recently so its definitely going to be relevant. Also definitely an eye catching colour pallet will look sick if put to good use.

    Just wondering how you plan for the player to progress throughout the game So basically how you plan to score the game.

    I definitely think you will create a great game I would advise you to spend some time creating really nice looking backdrops and charters if the games looks nicely polished I believe it will excel.

  2. Hi Francis, wow. I need to take some serious pointers from you because you have a really polished Games Design Document. I love how you've set up your cars system and your characters which you can use to show us, readers, a brief idea of how your game will be set up. Your GDD has easy to read visuals and bright colours as well which makes the game idea much more interesting. I'm wondering if you will have any kind of trophy for the winner or maybe a racing medal? If that were the case then you might be able to incorporate some sort of top score system with how many medals you won or trophies? Your sprite design is very cool and I like how vibrant their colours are.
    It's looking very interesting and maybe when it's finished hopefully I'll be able to play it. Also I'm curious how you were able to find/make those images for your buttons and cars and sprites they look super and professional. Have fun making your game and good luck!

  3. I'm liking the idea of an 80s inspired racing game, definitely going to be nostalgic for many people considering how kids born in the 80s probably grew up with similar games.
    I think the beginning of the games story is interesting, its a cool idea having the game begin with what sounds like a challenge from an npc, i believe this will draw players in from the beginning.
    You've definitely had a good idea with the simple control scheme, i believe this will allow an ease of access for your players.
    Your character design is very well done, they have a good mix of 80s and cyberpunk looks.

  4. Hi Francis, just after finishing up reading your game design document and I have to say, I think you have a really good idea and document to work off. I love the idea of a retro racing game. I seen a game come out recently that is very similar to your idea, just on a larger scale and that looked really fun. I like the way you have a good story to build off, which will really captivate the player before the get into playing the game. You were definitely right to go with a basic control scheme because there would be nothing worse then making it too complicated and not being able to finish. The car and character choices are nice and varied which makes it interesting. Best of luck with making your game!

  5. Hey Francis,

    I loved reading your Game Design Document and I enjoyed the overall aesthetic of the game. I do sometimes go into these racing game binges where i just play racing games for a week straight so it's good to see someone putting in their time to make a decent racing game. One question that I do have about the game is the score system. Is there a timer that you have to get to a certain destination? Do you earn points for narrowly dodging on going traffic? Is there an overall score system in the game that the player could challenge themselves with? Overall the game idea is very interesting and if you do add any of the things that I suggested the game play would be that more fun!

  6. Hey Francis! I am just after finishing up reading your GDD and I loved it! The retro theme that you have gone with for your game is AMAZING and right up my street. Your idea is extremely well thought out and you have a very clear vision of what you want it to be. Personally your GDD answers all of my questions. I am really excited to see your game come to life. Well done and best of luck!!

  7. Hows it going Francis! Just read your game design document and think it sound really good! The first thing that came to mind when you spoke about the 80's theme is GTA Vice City and the soundtrack they played when you were driving around, have you thought if you would include any songs in it? I think it could be a cool addition. I also love how the player will be able to play as many different characters/vehicles. Hope it goes well for you and hopefully will get to play it when this is all over!

  8. Hey Francis! How are you doing? I am just finished up reading your Game Design Document and I have to say I really enjoyed it. It is very well written and you covered absolutely everything I need to know in your document. I love the 80s based theme you have gone for, I think this is a really cool and unique idea . I believe this theme will be a big success with a lot of people. Overall I am so excited to see the final game completed and I can't wait to play it. I wish you all the best with it Francis!!

  9. Hi Francis, just read your 'Games Design Document' and I loved it! The retro 80's theme is such a creative and unique idea, I think its one of the best ideas I've seen from this year CDM. It shows you have put so much effort into your idea. Best of luck this semester and I hope your game goes well for you. I am looking forward to seeing and possibly playing it.


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