
Showing posts from February, 2021

Tutorial 04

  An image of the unity logo ( source ) In this weeks unity tutorial, we had to continue with the Rudy beginner tutorial. I found this very time consuming and difficult due to the issues I am still experiencing with the unity software. in terms of following the tutorial, I find it straightforward and easy to progress. The issue I'm having is not being able to enter play mode in unity. this is something that I have been experiencing from the start and have tried many troubleshooting methods with no luck. this had led to progress without checking with the play mode which had made it very time consuming as I have to double-check each stage before continuing  other then that, I found the tutorials clear and manageable to complete.

Reading 05 - DOING

  An illustration for a person reading ( Source ) This week we're tasked with to continue the research on out giving topics, following off from last week I decided to try adding some new papers using google scholar. I spent some time looking for papers using methods that learnt in previous weeks. unfortunately, I didn't add anything new as I already had good variations of thems the the other papers covered.  Next, we had to revisit the paper and online particular themes within the research being conducted, I found the part rather straightforward as I broke down each paper and summarised it last week. this made it much easier to pick out the themes. My annotated bibliography can be found here Here is a screenshot of me highlighting some themes from the papers

Reading 04

  An illustration for a man reading ( source ) At the start of the annotated journey, I wasn't a major fan of writing bibliographies, to begin with, I would blame the lack of knowledge on how to actually write one, this week we were tasked to continue researching and writing up bibliography on our findings. I found the experience much more efficient the second time around, I think have a better understanding of how to correctly write them helped greatly.


  An illustration for a clipboard ( Source ) This week we were tasked to start accumulating our bibliography for choosing topics and make a list of all the usable ones relating to the subject. I started this week by searching for reliable sources pertained to my topic, I used tools like google schooler and the TUD liberty database to help find relevant papers and case studies, I narrowed down the searches by using some of the keywords that I generated last week which greatly help me find more specified and focused results. I used methods that I picked up from this weeks lecture such as reading the summary and conclusion to see if it fit the related subjects that I will be covering in my area of research. After I found a few sources I used tools such as RefWorks to help organise a cite all the different sources. The first paper discussed the effectiveness of implementing emotions in a multi structural system that allows the simulation of different emotional triggering models. the pa...

Tutorial 01

  An image of the unity logo ( source ) In this weeks unity tutorial, I started to make a 2d game called Rudy adventure, we had to import all the assets and start organising and laying out the different layers of the game. initially, I found the tutorial straight forward at the beginning I did, however, run into a few issue during the work, the main issue was my play mode didn't want to work which caused a few issues.  In conclusion, I enjoyed the process regardless 


  Image Source This week we stoke to the ITB librarian to help us understand all the available resources in place to support us, she talked about refined such tactics such as the "SU Subjects terms", the ITB book database and referencing tools such as RefWorks, a tool the helps catalogue and organise all the reference all in someplace, she also talks about the different bibliography types and how to properly cite quotes from different sources  I also read an interesting blog about " How effective project milestones planning can influence your project’s success". in this blog it talked about different ways to set milestones and gave some example such as " How effective project milestones planning can influence your project’s success" and " What is the impact of this task or event if it meets/doesn’t meet the deadline?" I think these are a useful factor that I hadn't consider and really help me in planning an ineffective strategy for my overal...