
This week we were tasked to start accumulating our bibliography for choosing topics and make a list of all the usable ones relating to the subject.
I started this week by searching for reliable sources pertained to my topic, I used tools like google schooler and the TUD liberty database to help find relevant papers and case studies, I narrowed down the searches by using some of the keywords that I generated last week which greatly help me find more specified and focused results.
I used methods that I picked up from this weeks lecture such as reading the summary and conclusion to see if it fit the related subjects that I will be covering in my area of research.
After I found a few sources I used tools such as RefWorks to help organise a cite all the different sources.
The first paper discussed the effectiveness of implementing emotions in a multi structural system that allows the simulation of different emotional triggering models. the paper explores the various research and compares multiple models that highlight the focal emotions such as joy, fear, anger and sadness on 3d generated assets. the muti domain analyst was then conducted to extract the difference between the simulated behaviour of the game character and the player's behaviour. It found that "the issue of integrating multiple emotions is the most neglected, both in existing psychological theories and conceptual models and in computational models. Typically, very simple approaches are used to address this complex problem, which limits the realism of the resulting models in any but the most simple situations."
The second paper explores The Affective Quality of Expression, Color, Shape, and Dimensionality of Game Characters in a learning environment. The essay found implementing emotions on game characters had an effect on cognitive areas such as memory, attention and perception, this followed by successful Long-term memory recovery metrics. colour is also an important factor addressed in this paper and it states that Strong saturation and darkness (degree of obscurity) was found to generate feelings like anticipation. another major aspect was Dimensionality with 3d characters which allowed various opportunity to implement emotions that correlate to unique humans attributes.
Olaf Hallan Graven, Lachlan Mackinnon and Liz Bacon (2014) 'Extending the Design of Games for E-Learning to Include Affective Computing Elements'. International Conference on E-Learning, 59.
Plass, J.L., Homer, B.D., MacNamara, A., Ober, T., Rose, M.C., Pawar, S., Hovey, C.M. and Olsen, A. (2020) 'Emotional Design for Digital Games for Learning: The Effect of Expression, Color, Shape, and Dimensionality on the Affective Quality of Game Characters'. Learning and Instruction, Vol. 70 101194.
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