

A picture of me

what was the best class you took last semester? why?
The best class semester was web development, I learn new skills and I enjoyed building a website for our final project

what were your biggest accomplishments last semester?
My biggest accomplishment from last semester was reviving 💯% grade on the second mission in digital media

what are your goals for this module? What do you want to achieve?
My goal for this module is to get an A grade

Did you do something exciting / go somewhere exciting over break?
I didn't get up to very much during the break but I did enjoy spending the with the family

favourite books, movies, TV shows — the best movie you saw recently? best book you read?
I recently read a book called "Lovecraft Country", my favourite movie I recently was "The Joker"
starting Joaquin Phoenix, The Best book I have ever read was called "Rich Dad Poor Dad"

Favourite music — you might even embed a music video if you want!
I don't listen to music as much anymore but when I do its normally chill lofi 🎵in the background while i work

Favourite game(s)
i wouldn't consider myself an avid gamer but when I do sit down to play I normally play high-intensity fps like modern warfare or apex legends. nut I enjoy story-driven game such as the last of us 2🎮 (Read more here)

hobbies… plus hobbies you would like to try if you had time
i spend most my time working on my podcast🎤 or improving my creative knowledge in editing and graphic design


  1. Hey Francis! I really enjoyed your introduction post, I love how you laid it out differently. The question and answer format was a really smart idea! I like the pact you included a picture of yourself too, something I might go back and add to mine now. I also loved Joaquin Phoenix in the Joker, his acting was amazing wasn't it? Hope you're settling in well and are enjoying yourself! :)

  2. Hey Francis, hope your well, really really cool introduction post was enjoyable to read. The first person that I have seen use the questions and answers idea which was a really bright idea well done. I'm the same as you I don't really listen to music that more either because there is so much to choose from but lo-fi music is the best when you want to chill out. Really good blog well done!

  3. Hey Francis! How are you doing? It is great to read your introduction post and find out a little more about you. I'm happy to hear you enjoyed first year and I remember your presentation for digital media. It was sick! Fully deserving of that grade. I see you included a photo of yourself, it's a great photo. I love your chain and jumper. You have great style my friend! All the best for this year!

  4. Hi Francis, I really enjoyed reading this introduction. I also like to listen to lofi music either when I’m chilling out or doing some work its really nice and helps me relax. I would be interested to hear one of your podcasts so if you see this leave a link. Anyways good luck with the rest of the semester I wish you all the best! :)

  5. Hi Francis, loved your introduction blog, it was good to learn a bit more about you. I liked the way you added a picture to your introduction as well. I can tell you're a very creative person just from working with you and I'm not surprised you're really into improving yourself and your skills. I also played The Last of Us 2, what did you think of it? to be honest I'm not sure if I really liked it or not. Anyways, it was nice reading your blog.

  6. Hi Francis, was nice to read a blog with a completely different layout to the rest, and it was nice to learn a bit more about you and your past times. The picture at the top of the page was a nice touch, from that you can tell your a creative person. I'm not much of a gamer also so I'm just hoping to get a high pass in this module, hope second year goes well for you, good luck!!!

  7. Hey Francis! Just read your introduction blog post and loved how you used questions to introduce yourself. I seen that you read Lovecraft Country and was wondering if you've watched the series adaptation they made of it? It was produced by Jordan Peeles production company and meant to be unreal! Been telling myself I'd watch it but been so busy with college I haven't really been watching much. Going to read your game idea next so be commenting on another post soon!

  8. Hi Francis, great blog!
    I enjoyed reading through your intro and safe to say you seem like a very interesting person, I have not yet seen the Joker but I definitely want to soon... Modern warfare is a great game I played alot of it during lockdown since there was literally nothing else to do.
    I hope your enjoying CDM and I wish you nothing but good luck through out the rest of your CDM journey.

  9. Hi Francis, just read your introduction post there and I really enjoyed it. I haven't seen many blogs laid out like this one yet! It made it easier to get to know you better by having the questions laid out. I also am a huge fan of the joker movie it was incredible.Best of luck this semester and I hope your game goes well for you. I am looking forward to seeing and possibly playing it.

  10. Hi Francis, I really like your introduction post. Its straight to the point and using questions is very helpful especially when you're doing an introduction as it makes you started your blog easily. I also love The Joker's movie! He's acting is really good and the story was very interesting. Web development was also one of my favourite module last year because there was so much resources given to us which I think helped us to learn more skills.

  11. Hi Francis, I just read your introduction and I really enjoyed it! I like how you do the question and answer style like an interview it was very clever. I see that your favourite last year was web development I found this the most difficult as I never knew where the problem would be that I went wrong was and it took ages to find it. I say I'm the only person who hasn't seen the joker but over christmas I have of things to watch when I'm not in work. Best of luck with this semester - Niamh


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