Feedback Strategies


An image of a laptop (source)

The first article that I read was "The difference between praise and feedback" by mindshift, in the article, it talks about a common issue that most parents encounter in terms of praise and positive feedback and the effects they have on primarily growing kids. Carol Dweck the author of the book mindset states that based on research that based on positive praise, this is the act of was praise is only applied and given to an effort or strategy instead of person praise which puts labels on the individual.

In contrast to Dweck and her positive praise method, writers such as Valerie Strauss the author of 12 books about education and human behaviour including The schools are children deserve, she wroth an article in the Washington Post stating that any and all praise is essentially a means to control someone with lesser power and is refers to praise to as a verbal reward. she also states that praise is given out too rapidly and this has conditioned kids to also aim for a "good job" or a "well done".

In conclusion, I think both Dweck and Strauss make a strong aguemeng when It comes to praise as a method to reinforced behaviour. On one hand, I agree with Dweck when I com to praising a person's efforts and strategies opposed to praising that individual. On the other hand, I also agree with Strauss and believe that it can harm the individual if praise is constantly being given.

The second article i looked at was by Marshall Goldsmith and i was called Try feedforward instead of feedback. i found this article very interesting in the sense that giving feedback is limited and dewls on the past event and doesn't help a person become any better in terms of improving. 
i found this perspective very insightful and is somtinh that i will be consider moving forward when givening my thoughts to someone who asks for my feedback.


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