Feedback Thoughts


I found the article on "fixed mindset could be holding you back" very enjoyable to read, it talks about the constant praising in order to build a person's self-esteem can have negative effects and result in making that person that person fragile. this is something I agree with and think it very much, I think being constantly being surrounded by only positives does lead having a one-sided perspective.

The article also highlights the difference between fit and growth mindset, with people to have a fixed mindset tending believe that intelligence and ability are fixed and can not be changed. it also gives use example of the effects of having this way of thinking for example a doctor and a life or death scenario.

                                                     A picture of a drawn head ( image source)

Treating the brain as plastic that can be moulded to adapt to challenges is a new perspective I gain from reading  "how to get past negativity bias" its states that the brain mainly priorities negative input over positive feedback and is referred to as negative bias. i think this is very interesting as i never knew this is something that our brains do subconsciously. This has lead to begin to take mental notes of when i am faced with positive feedback and how i react to it.


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