Game Design

What is a game?

Google defines a game as "an activity that one engages in for amusement or fun", in many terms a game cand be classified as an act or a physical activity in which there is a set of rules and a set outcome or end goal to achieve. although these definitions are right in many ways they don't fundamentally state how to make or design a game. 
There are may characteristic that needs to be taking into account when discussing games and their development, in terms of making a game, it has to produce a certain set of elements such as (1) having set rules in place, (2) producing a conflict of some sort (3) employ decision-making (4) have a defined outcome. theses elements are vital in making any game successful and are the key fundamentals in the design process, ultimately there isn't any set in sone definition and they all have the flaws. the main goal is to take into consideration all aspects and understand that games are a form of art that can make their own rules and ideology 

the making of a game can be a challenging endeavour and can also be a very sight forward, for example in the paper "What is a game Anyway?" it sets out a take that encourages the reader to create a game with that has a simple objective. Here is my attempt at this 

                                                               Picture of a game I created 

Here is the game that I make during reading the paper, the objective is simple, players take turns rolling dice to reach the house but the twist is that if a player lands on 6 they have to start from the beginning again. the premise is simple and shows that a game doesn't need to be seen as a daunting task or overcomplicated.

The most important stage of the development of games is generating ideas. Based on the academic paper "The organic nature of game ideation" it states that the creative process for producing new ideas can differ and have a large range of methods. the most common methods such as brainstorming, scamper and substitute and based on the interviews conducted in 2005 and 2007 and found that although they didn't spend much time using these methods, they were able to come up with their own process for generating ideas 


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