Time Strategies


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Managing my time, keeping up to date with tasks and deadline has always been an undesirable pain. Especially when you pair it with my laziness and procrastination combo, this makes me the ultimate avenger of inefficiency and is an area that I am trying to greatly improve in ordered to be more productive. the goal for this module is to always be at least one weel ahead o. a couple of tasks ahead, this will give me a comfy cousin to fall back on when I inevitably decide to take a lazy day. 

I found the realistic study plans by Amanda Collins very interesting, It gave me very helpful tips such as evaluating my time, making a list of all the task that needs to be done and making an estimation of how each one will take so they can be allocated appropriately. Another useful tip I pick up from the article was setting little goals for myself to achieve, this will give me a sense of accomplishment and motivate me to continue. It also told me to ask myself during the time I've set aside important questions such as:

  • How much reading do I have to do?
  • How much reviewing do I have to do?
  • How many assessments are there?
  • How many tests are there?

 I think these tips are very practical and are something that I will be trying to implement going forward into my study plans.


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