Unity Tutorial 02


A gif of a boy throwing an aeroplane (source)

The first unity tutorial 1.4 shows how to add user input onto an object, I found the overall lesson straight forward and easy to follow. I learnt that unity has pre-composed inputs that can be called to action by using horizontal input = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"); to control objects and moves them left or right. the forward input = Input.GetAxis("Vertical"); this controls an object either foreword or backwards . another thing that I learnt was that speed can be changed by from frames per second to meters per second by multiplying the speed variable by Time.deltaTime which allows for finner control. I found this task very interesting and is something that I will be utilizing in future games and projects.

The second is a task "challenge 1" was a test to examine the skills developed so far, in this task we were given a completed unity project filled with different errors that had to be solved. the main aim was to make the plane controllable and the camera following alone while it moved. I found the must of the Farley easy but it did take me a while co compete for the entire challenge as I came across certain issues that I couldn't figure out and I need to go back to previous tasks and look for hints online. overall I found both tasks enjoyable in terms of I learnt a lot of new skill that will be taken forward into future tasks and projects.


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