

A screenshot is taken from my unity project 

This week I began to design my prototype for my game, I wanted to start by organising and compiling all the potential assets that I might need for this project, I spent some time in the unity asset store looking through all the textures and character/ object assets. I  downloaded a wide range of these assets and began to arrange these packs to determine what elements I would use from each to help develop the game.

once I had everything organised, I started to roughly lay everything into place, the main overlining goal was that I wanted to try to and get everything imported and in the right place.

A screenshot is taken from my unity project 

 After I had everything organised, I placing some objects into the scene in order to be to have a skeleton of the game, using basic assets I was able to come up with an essential scene and movement of my game, there is still much work left but I'm overall pleased with what I have done so far in terms of how the game looks.


  1. Hey Francis,
    Great blog post, even though you've only started to create your game it already looks amazing, from looking at it I'm guessing it's going to be a racing game, maybe?? , a game similar to the unity tutorial where we had to make a car drive around the obstacles, who knows, we'll have to wait and see, anyway hope everything works for you and you don't have to change any of the plans you had for the game because your idea seems very doable within the time we have so I hope it goes well, good luck!!!.

  2. Hi Francis, Just a look at your other posts and I like the layout of your blog. In terms of your game it looks great so far a racing game, mine is similar. I like the colours of the background the red its like a deserted desert, it also matches the colour of the car which is cool. Is the car going to be in the middle of the road? How about having it at night to make it harder for the player to see where they are going or add an obstacle or too?. Best of luck with the rest of the game, hope it works out - Niamh

  3. Hi Francis, its me again hahaha
    Your game is looking really good already especially on the first week of creating our game. Having a lot of assets imported is also a good idea as it gives you a lot of choices and it is more easier to have everything you need in one place before starting to build your game. I alsolike how the color of the car is similar to the sunrise! Also having the sunrise added into the scene really makesa difference than have nothing at all.

    What are the obstacle that you are going to add in your game?
    Is there going to be some collectable coins on the road?

    I hope that you're doing well creating your game and good luck!


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