Review Week Comments and Feedback


Looking back at the comments I have received on my blog during the past couple of weeks if I hand to completely honest I am quite happy with the overall quality of the comment I receive in general, most of the comments were very pleasant to read. the majority of the comment I also got extremely constructive crissum on some of my project blogs really helped highlight the weakest area in my project that still needed some work on.
The comments that were must useful were one that helped outline the minor issue that I originally looked over and also recommend areas I should potentially consider.

In terms of the comment, I left on other people. I would definitely say that I left a good mix of comments in general, I definitely tried to give honest constructive feedback and also trying to also give suggestions on how to improve and develop their idea. The strategy that I tried to implement was the WOW technique or my version of it, I would start by highlighting what happened in their blogs, what was the outcome of their blog and What can be done to potentially improve their concept.

A Scale of smiley faces source

Looking forward I would definitely consider leaving a bit more detail on others blogs and leaving more suggests going forward. I think the people would benefit more from this especially for the project blogs and would also them to get a better understanding of potential areas that they didn't consider or help them in terms of potentially making improve meant to their games 


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