Week 9 Reading and Writing

 Looking Back

This week we were tasked to look back and reflect reading on previous reading and writing about the impact it has had, in general, I believe the reading tasks have greatly improved the knowledge of games and allowed me to gain a better understanding the fundamental of what makes a game and the processes involved making a game.

All the blog so far greatly helped me greatly in terms of helping me understand the mechanics and systems that are needed in a game and the different types of methods the can be implemented to make the game. I have definitely have learnt a lot from engaging each week, learning about different strategies that I found myself utilising in future projects. I am extremely happy with my game project, i think I've made good progress overall and the i found my concept is strong and i have a good direction in mind.

The image i decided to choose was i sceenshot i took from the start of my game, the reason i gravitated towards this particular image was the fact it was the start of my game making journey and it change my attitude towards making games and how straight forward it can be.

Looking forward i don't think that ere is much to change in terms of getting more from the reading experience. one suggestion would be to strat off doing the reading task as a team or in the lectures together at first until we were fimelier to writing academically then transition to working ourselves.


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