Games Stories


          A Screenshot from the detective game (Source)

The significance of story narrative in video games

Stories were developed from the very beginning to play a specific niche role: encouraging us to follow moral paths, protecting our history and traditions, entertaining and supporting each of us in the grand narrative of human life to appreciate one another and our position. The video game, a new storytelling medium, helps us to take our old and the new stories and reimagine them as playable interactions.

This same narrative expression throughout games demonstrates in different ways, from well-designed game stories such The Last of Us (June 14, 2013) and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (May 18, 2015) these games are prime examples of modern storytelling narratives. The main reason these game have successful anecdotes is due to the world-building and concentrates on character development. These aspects contribute to a link between the players and the protagonists in the as they continue to play and learn further.

[Figure 1] A screenshot from The Walking Dead & The Wolf Among Us (Source)
In the case of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (May 18, 2015) and other similar story originated games such as The Walking Dead & The Wolf Among Us (19 Jun 2017) [figure 1] and the recently released Cyberpunk 2077 (2020). These games and others in the same style give the players the ability to choose and in turn [figure 2] impact the gameplay and story narrative. The dialogue choices they make allow the story to be more immersive and interactable.

[Figure 2] A screenshot from cyberpunk 2077 (Source)


A collection of storytelling is as critical as creating an engaging character that helps the character prosper in the world and tells his/her story. How well other variables are applied depends on the strength of the narrative


Bizzocchi, Jim, and Joshua Joshua Tanenbaum. “Mass Effect 2: A Case Study in the Design of Game Narrative.”

Sutherland, John. “What Every Game Developer Needs to Know about Story.” Gamasutra, Accessed 2005.


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